Tioga Public Health Reports 30th COVID-19 Death; Cases Continue Daily Increase


Tioga County Legislative Chairwoman Martha Sauerbrey has reported another person has passed away due to COVID-19 complications. “Our deepest sympathy to family and friends,” said Sauerbrey.

It was not reported where the person lived. In a news release Monday, Tioga Public Health reported two recent deaths were residents of Riverview Rehabilitation and Nursing in Owego, which has been identified as a COVID-19 Hotspot due to a surge in cases among residents and staff.



Owego, NY – Tioga County Legislative Chairwoman Sauerbrey reported the following Tioga County COVID-19 Statistics:

·         475 Confirmed Cases – Total confirmed cases, to date.

·         456 Individuals in Mandatory Quarantine – These are individuals who have had close contact (6 ft.) with someone who has tested positive, but is not displaying symptoms for COVID-19; or individuals that have traveled to China, Iran, Japan, South Korea, or Italy and is displaying symptoms of COVID-19; or individuals who traveled outside of New York State to one of the states identified by the Governor with a mandatory 14-day quarantine period upon return. 

·          296 Recovered – Total number of individuals who had a confirmed case of COVID-19 and are now symptom and fever-free that meet the criteria to be released from Isolation.

·          149 Active Cases

·            30 Deaths

This is a snapshot of data provided to Tioga County Public Health at this point in time.

Administered tests are tracked in various ways. Test results are reported.