Tioga County Public Health reports average of 25 new COVID-19 cases a day


Here is the COVID-19 case breakdown in Tioga County from October 27, 2021 – November 2, 2021, according to the Tioga County Department of Health:
 New Cases: 184
o Unvaccinated: 70
o Vaccinated: 68
o Unknown Vaccination Status: 10
o Children Under 12: 36
 Hospitalizations: 7
 Deaths: 2
 Current Active Cases: 226
Data is a snapshot of what is reported to us via different venues. Vaccination status is self-reported by the positive case or their
parent/guardian during the case investigation. Deaths related to COVID-19 are reported to our department in different ways,
Tioga County is not always notified when a death occurs. Various factors may impact the severity of one’s COVID-19 illness
including underlying health conditions and vaccination status. The COVID-19 vaccine offers protection against severe illness,
hospitalization, and death. We encourage eligible individuals to get vaccinated.
With viruses like the common cold, flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and COVID-19 spreading, Tioga County
Public Health wants to remind our community to follow these steps to keep yourself and your family healthy:
 Wash your hands often
 Eat fruits and vegetables
 Stay hydrated and drink extra water
throughout the day
 Get plenty of rest, sleep, and relaxation time
 Be physically active
 Manage your stress
 Avoid touching your face
 Disinfect frequently touched objects
 Avoid contact with sick people and crowded
 Wear a mask when in public areas
 Get vaccinated against the flu and COVID-19
And please, stay home when you are sick to avoid getting others sick!
Yesterday the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination received emergency use authorization for children ages 5 – 11. Those
looking to get their child vaccinated should contact their child’s health care provider or their pharmacy to schedule a
vaccination appointment. Vaccination continues to be the best form of protection against COVID-19. By getting
school aged children 5 years and older vaccinated, we can help prevent students from missing school when exposed
to a positive case (unless they start showing symptoms of COVID-19) and reduce the number the number of children
getting ill and spread the virus. To find a COVID-19 vaccination location, please visit https://www.vaccines.gov/.
COVID-19 Resources:
 COVID-19 Vaccine Locations: https://www.vaccines.gov/
 Testing Locations: https://get-tested-covid19.org/
 Tioga County Public Health Website: ph.tiogacountyny.gov
 Tioga County Public Health Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/tiogacountypublichealth