Valley Rotary Clubs of Sayre, Athens and Waverly recently installed new presidents


Rotary Clubs of Sayre and Athens, Pa., and Waverly, NY, recently met at the Grille at the Station for a joint installation of new officers for the 2022-23 year. Guests included Craig Devenport, District Governor Elect from District 7410 in Pa. and Rocky Martinez, District Governor Elect from District 7170 in NY. Each District Governor Elect handled the formal installation of officers for their respective clubs. The new Presidents of each club are Joseph Blood, Athens Rotary, Elizabeth Johnson, Sayre Rotary, and Eric “Chip” Roberts, Waverly Rotary.

During the presentations, a surprise honor was given to Athens Rotarian, Mary Costic when she was named a Paul Harris Fellow. This is one of the highest honors given by Rotary. This honor was richly deserved by Mary who is an example of Rotary’s moto of “Service Above Self”.

We all look forward to another great Rotary year under the new leadership for our clubs and districts. Anyone interested in learning more about Rotary should visit or speak with any of the many Rotarians in our Valley and beyond. Better yet, come to a meeting and check us out in person: Sayre and Athens Rotary meet at the Grille at the Station in Sayre, Pa., every Tuesday at 12:10 p.m., and Waverly Rotary meets at the Broad Street Banquet Hall in Waverly, NY, on Thursdays at noon.