Yellow Zone: Waverly Schools Fully Remote Today; Testing Possible on Tuesday


From Waverly School District Superintendent Eric Knolles: It has been a crazy 40 hours since the Governor identified the Village of Waverly as a Yellow Zone. We have been working around the clock to get the testing supplies, training, and licenses needed to keep our kids in school and our community safe. We will be operating remotely on Monday for all students. This allows the schools to prepare to deliver rapid COVID tests on Tuesday. Here are a few key points.

  1. Fill out COVID-19 testing permission slips.
  2. Talk to your child about lower nasal testing.
  3. We are going to let students and adults self-administer where appropriate.
  4. I will notify everyone on Monday, if we will be attending school in person on Tuesday. We will use the Wolverine App and the all call system to make the announcement.
  5. Stay positive and stay committed to your child’s education. We only get one shot at this for our kids.
  6. Make sure your student logs in on Monday. This is not a vacation day.

The tests and PPE were just delivered to the District Office. Thank you to Tioga County Emergency Management. The Waverly CSD owes a big thank you to the Guthrie Clinic, specifically the lab and its Director and the Director of Operations. We would not be able to move forward without them. We are still awaiting word from the County that we have met all the hurdles placed in front of us, but we are very close. The County Health Department and Legislature has been involved throughout this process.

In other news, the Wolverines were informed of a positive COVID-19 Test in our 5th grade on Friday. We will be placing those students and their teacher on remote learning for the duration of the quarantine. The room has been closed and the students and teacher have all been notified. Please watch to see if your child has any symptoms and see your health care provider if they do.

Please stay at home if you have any cold/flu symptoms and take advantage of the free testing this weekend at the Kmart Plaza if you need it. We appreciate all the support shown by our community as we continue to work through the pandemic. Please call or email your building administrators if you have questions.

— Dr. Eric Knolles
Waverly CSD Superintendent of Schools