UPDATED: Owego-Apalachin officials released a statement Wednesday afternoon after a proposed budget was defeated at the polls Tuesday. The statement reads: “In response to the defeat of the 2019-2020 Owego Apalachin School Budget, which proposed a tax increase within the allowable NYS tax cap of 3.83% on the levy, the Board of Education and District will take into consideration the next steps. Those could include a re-vote on the current budget, a re-vote on a revised budget, or going directly to a contingency budget. A re-vote would occur on June 18, 2019. District information is always available on our website, www.oacsd.org. More regarding the next steps will be communicated soon.
Important Dates:
● Public Budget Workshop – Tuesday, May 28th – 6:00 pm, OA District Office
● BOE Meeting – Thursday, May 30th – 7:00 pm, OA District Office
Original Story
Voters across the region approved school budgets and propositions … with one stark exception. The 2019-2020 budget for the Owego-Apalachin district was
rejected by voters. The tally was 597 against with just 479 in favor. However, voters firmly supported the purchase of five school buses. District voters also
supported funding for Apalachin Public and Coburn Free libraries. The district was dogged by social media posts stating that the district had exceeded the state tax cap and homeowners would be penalized. Monday afternoon, school officials sent out a notice saying that social media posts were inaccurate.
– Michael Baldwin