Owego-Apalachin District Makes Big Changes to Food Distribution Schedule


The following information was released Thursday by Superintendent Corey Green about changes in food distribution in the Owego-Apalachin School District.

Food: We will continue to offer bagged breakfasts and lunches for children 18 and under with some very important changes to that schedule.

Friday March 27th from 10am-1pm pick up will be available at AES and OES. We will also have 3 buses delivering food to specific drop locations listed on the district’s website.

Food Changes Beginning Monday, March 30th: In an effort to limit contact and reduce families and staff having to come out daily, we will offer meal pick up on Mondays and Thursdays ONLY, from 10am-1pm and 4pm-6pm in the OES Loop and now at the Apalachin Fire Station instead of AES (*see note below.) Families will receive meals to last them multiple days. Friday’s bus route schedule will
remain the same. If transportation is an issue, please call us at 607-687-7307 x7777 and leave a message requesting delivery. Our website will always show the most updated meal options.

*Note on AES location change: We are changing the Apalachin location in order to begin a plumbing repair at AES that was previously scheduled for spring break. This will allow for the necessary time that is now needed. We appreciate the Apalachin Fire Station (230 Pennsylvania Ave., Apalachin) being able to help with our food distribution.

**Also note that the meals will still be available during the week of April 6th-13th (Spring Break). The schedule for the week of Spring Break will be announced during the week prior.