This month, Senator Libous helped pass legislation that will make it easier for law enforcement to crack down on texting-while-driving offenders and prevent tragic accidents caused by drivers distracted by texting. The bill would make text messaging while driving a primary violation rather than a secondary violation. Under the current law, a driver can only be ticketed for texting-while-driving if another violation, such as speeding, is also being cited.
Senator Libous Texting
According to studies done by AAA, any activity that takes a driver’s attention off the road for more than two seconds can double a driver’s risk of a crash. The huge increase in text messaging as a form of communication, particularly among young people, has led to a new form of distracted driving which is being blamed for tragedies throughout New York State and the nation. In 2009, more than 5,500 people were killed in car accidents involving distracted drivers. This bill still needs to pass the Assembly before being sent to Governor Cuomo to sign.