The Binghamton City School District is looking to beef their security by adding two additional police officers at two district buildings. The district hopes to add one officer at East Middle School and another at West Middle School. The Binghamton Police officers would have their salaries paid for by the school, a cost of about $100,000, while the city would pay for their benefits. The officers, known as school resource officers, would spend their day at the schools, leaving an hour after the buses depart. If the plan is approved, the two new officers would go through a week-long training run by the U.S. Justice Department on how to work with students. The district has to discuss the plans with City Council.
As the Binghamton schools look to add security, they are also looking to lower the tax levy. The district proposed its latest budget Tuesday night, which calls for a $108 million spending plan and a tax levy of 2.95 percent, close to 1 percent lower than the numbers presented last month. The proposal would maintain all jobs, but the district would be leaving five positions empty following anticipated retirements. The school board will vote to adopt the budget on April 8th.